sPad - Indoor / outdoor rental led screen
Outdoor rental billboard


Indoor & outdoor dicasting screen with curve options


Curved Function Optional

Creative installaltion, can add curved function according to different usages.

Outdoor Stage-use

High brightness.

Outdoor rental billboard


Outdoor rental billboard

The waterway led screen,On the weekend,

you should go to waterway,find a coffeeshop,

have a drink and enjoy content from big led display.

Pas de pixel (mm) 1.95 2.5 2.97 3.91 4.81 5.95
Modèle (PI1.9-500500/P2.6mm 500*500mm)PI2.5-500500(PI2.9-500500/PO2.9-500500)(PI3.9-1000500/PI3.9-500500/PO3.9-1000500/PO3.9-500500)(PI4.81-1000500/PI4.8-500500/PO3.9-1000500/PO4.8-500500)(PO5.9-1000500/PO5.9-500500)
LED SMD1515 SMD2020 (SMD2020/SMD1921) (SMD2020/SMD2020/SMD1921/SMD1921) (SMD2020/SMD2020/SMD1921/SMD1921) SMD2727
Densité (dots/sqm) 262985 160000 113367 65410 43222 28247
Résolution des modules (dots) 16437 10000 7085 4088 2701 1765
Largeur des modules (mm) 250 250 250 250 250 250
Hauteur des modules (mm) 250 250 250 250 250 250
Largeur de l'armoire (mm) 500 500 500 (1000/500/1000/500) (1000/500/1000/500) (1000/500)
Hauteur de l'armoire (mm) 500 500 500 500 500 500
Profondeur de l'armoire 75 75 75 75 75 75
Résolution (dots) 65746 40000 28342 (32705/16353/32705/16353) (21611/10806/21611/10806) (14123/7062)
Poids (kg) 8 8 (8/9) (13/8/14/9) (13/8/14/9) (14/9)
Matériel aluminium aluminium aluminium aluminium aluminium aluminium
Maintenir Front Front Front Front Front Front
IPX IP43 IP43 (IP43/IP65) (IP43/IP43/IP65/IP65) (IP43/IP43/IP65/IP65) IP65
Luminosité max (cd/sqm) 800 1000 (1000/4500) (1000/1000/4500/4500) (800/800/4500/4500) 4500
Température de couleur (k) 6500 6500 6500 6500 6500 6500
Angle 140/140 140/140 140/140 140/140 140/140 140/140
Rapport de contraste 5000:1 5000:1 (5000:1/4000:1) (5000:1/5000:1/4000:1/4000:1) (5000:1/5000:1/4000:1/4000:1) 4000:1
Puissance max (w) 100 100 (100/135) (130/100/280/142) (200/100/260/130) (260/130)
Puissance moyenne (w) 65 65 (65/96) (86/65/168/98) (150/65/140/85) (140/85)
Type de tension AC AC AC AC AC AC
Tension (v) 110-220 110-220 110-220 110-220 110-220 110-220
Méthode de conduite 1/32 1/25 (1/24/1/12) (1/16/1/16/1/12/1/8) 1/13 1/7
Écran FPS (hz) 60 60 60 60 60 60

Contacter l'usine d'affichage à LED

Solution d’affichage LED
